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Small Business of South Texas
Fees & Surcharges
A Standard Installation provides each customer with all of the necessary equipment to provide wireless internet services to a residence or business. This includes a radio, a power supply and surge suppressor for the radio, and a 20ft pole with tripod and stability cables. Equipment is mounted on the roof of the residence or business, or highest point of the property.* This fee covers required supplies as well as time, travel and labor. Router Configuration Assistance is also provided for every installation.** This fee may vary.
Any additional equipment required, or requests for specific placement of equipment that is not specified under the "STANDARD INSTALLATION FEE" is subject to Custom Installation rates. This includes requesting or requiring anything higher than 20ft in order to achieve Line of Sight. Requests such as wanting an "in-ground" pole (as opposed to roof mounting), or providing a wall drop are also subject to Custom Installation rates. If you have questions about the type of installation you need, please contact us at (361)384-0609. This fee may vary.
CALL OUT FEE - $60.00
Should you experience any interruption of services that require additional assistance from an onsite technician, a Call Out Fee will be added to the next billing cycle. This fee is nonnegotiable unless otherwise stated by management.
LATE FEE - $10.00
Monthly installments for services are due on the 1st of every month with a grace period of 10 days. If a payment is received after the 10th day of the month a nonnegotiable $10.00 fee will be added to your current billing cycle.
Should you fail to pay your monthly installment for services by the 20th day of the month, your service will be disconnected and a nonnegotiable $20.00 fee will be added to your current billing cycle.
ALL payments made over the phone are subject to a fee of $5.00 that is immediately added at the time of payment. You can avoid this fee by paying online with out user-friendly online bill pay portal.
*Skytech WISP is NOT responsible for damage to private or commercial property upon installation. If you're unsure about mounting equipment on the roof of your home or business, consult with your current insurance provider.
**Router Configuration is available for all routers EXCEPT Netgear brand routers. Skytech WISP DOES NOT offer Mesh configuration or any other configuration outside of setting up a basic username and password.